If a mother have decided to bottle feed her baby, she may be confused about where to start and how to ensure her baby receives all the nutrients. This article explains the basics of how and when to start bottle feeding to baby and useful help to make bottle feeding a safe and stress-free experience for mothers and babies.
When to start bottle feeding to baby?
Experts recommend that you let your baby choose his/her own routine when bottle feeding, often and how much. As an overall guideline between birth and six months, your baby will need an average of 2 to 2.5 ounces of formula per pound per day. If your baby, suppose, weighs ten pounds, he/she will need 20 to 25 ounces per day. In metric measurements this is equal to between 150-200ml of formula per kilogram of his body weight per day.
But small amounts often work best as your baby’s stomach is only small. Giving large amounts of milk in one feed will not certainly help your baby to go longer between feeds. They may be sick or put on too much weight. So don’t worry if they don’t want to finish the bottle.
Which formula of bottle feeding is best for baby?
Formula now comes in different forms; powder, which you make up with water or ready-made packets. The common formula milks are made from cow’s milk and companies try to get them to look like breast milk as close as possible. They will all contain fat, protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrate. You may be advised by your doctor to try a different formula.
Note: There is no proof that changing from a “first” milk to any other type of formula is essential or useful, except for medical reasons.
Also read: Tips for Talking to Babies
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