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Your food requirements will be good when you eat a healthy and balanced diet. If you are not getting enough nutrients, your doctor will prescribe the following supplements to meet your needs:

Multi-Vitamin and Multi-Mineral Supplements

This supplement will help in providing you with all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs throughout the stage of your pregnancy.

Calcium Supplements

If you are not getting enough calcium from your daily diet, this supplement will be prescribed to you. It is also given to those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Folic Acid supplements

For healthy red blood cells, folic acid is important and also it’s prevent birth defects, if you are not getting enough of it from the foods you eat, your doctor will prescribe this supplement for you.

Iron Supplements

Experts recommend an iron supplement that contains 27 mg of Iron for all pregnant women when they are at the second and third trimesters of their pregnancy. The different nutrients that you consume at this time will have a direct effect on your baby’s development and growth.

Since you are eating for two, you have a responsibility to eat only the healthiest of foods. This way, you ensure that your baby gets all the required nutrients to be healthy and you also stay strong for labour when the delivery day comes.

Eat preferably organic so that you keep pesticide/fertilizer intake to the barest minimum, and make sure that you get all the proper nutrients that you need for a healthy pregnancy and a strong baby.

Also read: How much a woman need nutrition before pregnancy
